About Us


"Weaving Dreams 58" was born in June 2014 (www.dede58.com), to provide a share issue boutique weaving and weaving source dream dreams establishment process often encountered in solutions for the main purpose of the summary.
"Weaving Dreams 58" covering: business class weaving dreams of source, source portal type weaving dreams, and studio-based or blog etc. weaving dreams system imitation and other styles.
"Weaving Dreams 58" will be in a shared technology, comprehensive, specialized and depth of free polyhydric direction, to create practical and efficient establishment experience, providing high quality services for members and customers.
"Weaving Dreams 58" Thanks to numerous concerns, support our members and visitors who thank you for your trust. Young "weaving dreams 58" ready to work with the same dynamic you accompany each other and grow together!
"Weaving Dreams 58" to concentrate on only one thing to do, is to do a complete source of weaving dreams!

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  Tel:丁先生 13806241194 徐先生 13806240491



  E-mail:qilinship@163.com 13806240491@139.com
